
We welcome you to join us on Sundays for our weekly worship services at 10:00am & 2:30pm

Sunday worship services

Worship Services are an opportunity to grow our relationship with God through the reading and preaching of His Word (the Bible), singing songs of worship, and through prayer – all of this with a community of people who are also seeking to have a living relationship with Jesus Christ, our Saviour, and the reason why we gather to worship. God uses this group of believers, called the church, to encourage, support, and teach one another about his plan for Salvation.

What To Expect

Going to a new church for the first time can be intimidating, but we will do our best to make you feel welcome! Here are a few things you can expect when you visit Maranatha for the first time:

Location: We are located at 12300 92 Ave Surrey. Directions can be found here.

Children and Childcare: Children and youth are welcome and encouraged to join us in worship services together with their families. We offer childcare for infant and toddlers.

Donations: During the service our deacons will pass around a collection bag. As our guests, please do not feel obligated to contribute. The donations are for supporting people with financial needs and other acts of charity in our community.

Bible and Book of Praise: During the Service you will see 2 books in front of your seat. One is a Bible and one is the Book of Praise. The Bible will be read before the sermon and the book of praise contains our songs (Psalms and Hymns) and various forms for worship, as well as our creeds and confessions. The Pastor or leader will let you know which book and which page we will be singing or reading from.

Liturgy Sheet: Our worship services follow an order called liturgy. You can find this order on the liturgy sheet which is available when you enter. This sheet will direct you as to what is happening next in the order of the worship service.

Prayer: Our Pastor prays with us as a church during the services. If you have a matter on your heart for prayer, we have a weekly Wednesday evening online prayer meeting, and we are willing to accept and pray for prayer requests. Please see more info here.

The Lord’s Supper: Every couple of months we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. It may be a new sight as you will notice a long table with many chairs set up at the front of the sanctuary. At a certain point in the service, the elders will begin inviting the confessing members of our congregation up to the table. At Maranatha, the Lord’s Supper is for only confessing members, or guests who are members of a sister church with a written attestation. If you would like more information about Lord’s Supper, or to request membership so that you can attend Lord’s Supper in the future, please speak to an elder after the service.

Lunch: We often enjoy lunch together after the morning worship service and would love for you to join us. Each week a different host family is in charge of lunch – either in their own home or in the church fellowship hall.

Visiting Us

We would love for you to visit us!

Everyone is welcome at Maranatha, and we are blessed each Sunday with guests.

If you are not Christian and would like to learn more about the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, you are welcome to join us for worship. If you have any questions, our elders and leaders are available to discuss these with you.

If you are already a Christian and are searching for a faithful church in Surrey, we’d love to have you join us.

Small Groups and Bible Studies

Maranatha church has small groups and Bible studies.

God created us to be in relationship with each other. Our fellowship with other believers is important for sharing our joys and sorrows, our victories and our struggles. When we meet regularly, we develop godly relationships to encourage each other in faithful and joyful living, to the praise of God.

Our groups are designed to support our spiritual growth. Members meet together to study the Bible, and spend time in prayer with each other and the Lord.

If you would like to join one of our study groups please make an inquiry with us.

Please see our Events page for details on specific Bible studies, the online prayer meeting, and other activities.

Becoming a Member

We believe God calls his people to be members of a faithful local church.

To become a member of Maranatha, the first step is to contact our elders. They will have a short meeting with you to help you get started with the new member process.

You can become a member in one of the following three ways:

  1. If you are a new believer, by making Public Profession of your Faith in Jesus Christ. If you have never been baptized, this will be done at the same time.
  2. If you have already publicly professed your faith in a different church, by meeting with our elders to discuss your faith with them.
  3. If you are a member of Maranatha’s sister churches, formally transfer your membership. Your home church elders can help you with that process – formally called an attestation.