Special Events
We host regular annual events, including Trunk or Treat, Christmas Caroling, and more.
Please check our featured events, and see our Calendar page!
Date: Saturday, December 21, 2024
Time: 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Location: Maranatha upstairs for concert, downstairs for refreshments
Description: Christmas Pipe Organ Concert.
Organist: Aart Bijkerk.
A concert filled with Christmas arrangements and Christmas singing.
Maranatha Pipe Organ Concerts: sacred content with audience singing. Often for the special events of the Christian calendar. For concert invitations, please contact: maranathaorgan@gmail.com
Join Us for a Christmas Celebration!
We warmly invite the Urdu, Hindi, and Punjabi communities to a special Christmas Party at Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church! When: December 22 at 4:00 PM
Where: Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church, 12300 92 Ave, Surrey, BC, V3V 1G4
Contact: 778-245-8223
Come and enjoy an afternoon of food, games, gifts, and most importantly, fellowship with friends and family. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate the joy of Christmas together!
Whether you’re new to the community or a long-time neighbor, we would love to share this joyful time with you.
Bring your loved ones and let’s celebrate the spirit of Christmas together!
Special Service for Christmas
December 25, 2024 at 10 AM.
Bible Studies
Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church offers community Bible studies that use resources from Christianity Explored and Discipleship Explored. We start men’s Bible study and women’s Bible study groups in the fall—guests and visitors are welcome.
Discipleship Explored Bible Study, especially for those inquiring into the Christian faith as guests of Maranatha. We start at 7:00 PM with a simple shared meal. Focus of this study is the book of Philippians. Discussion starts at 7:30, and we aim to be finished by 9:30 PM. Invite contacts and friends to join you. We gather once every 2 weeks in the Maranatha church basement, please enter by the basement doors. For info, contact: maranathaonlinebiblestudy@protonmail.com
Maranatha Women’s Bible Study will be held every second Thursday in the Maranatha Church basement (please enter by the basement doors) starting on October 3, using the study workbook from Jen Wilkin “Sermon on the Mount” (updated version 2024) with video lessons. All ladies (members and visitors) are welcome! (Childcare not available).
About the study: video
In His sweeping depiction of kingdom citizenship, Jesus utters some of the most familiar passages in all of Scripture. Most of us have only encountered the Sermon on the Mount in fragments, considering its subdivisions as complete teachings in their own right—a study on blessedness; a reflection on the Lord’s Prayer; a discussion of religious devotion, money, ambition, and relationships. What if we navigated these three chapters in Matthew as they were originally heard? What if we read them as one cohesive, well-ordered message, intended to challenge us to think differently about what it means to be a follower of Jesus? Come and learn from Jesus, just as His disciples did. First released in 2014, this study is now updated with new teaching videos from Jen Wilkin.
Maranatha Men’s Bible Study, will be held on Thursday evenings (alternating with the Women’s Bible Study in the Maranatha Church basement (please enter by the basement doors) starting on Thursday, October 10th from 7:30-9 PM. Whether you’re a longtime member, a visitor, young or old, we welcome you to join us. The study book for the season is “Let’s Study Mark” by Sinclair Ferguson, and we will explore who Jesus is through the eyes of Mark as he revealed the truth that Jesus is the Son of God. Let’s explore this amazing journey together and discover what the good news means for us today!
Spanish Bible Study: more details will be available soon!
Other Recurring Events
Maranatha Weekly Online Prayer Meeting is every Wednesday evening. A link to join is emailed at 8:00 PM on the night-of. To participate, just click on the link (fresh every meeting) – nothing to download. For info or to provide prayer requests please contact: maranathaonlinebiblestudy@protonmail.com
Every second Friday evening, we host a community event for socializing, practicing English, and playing board games.
All ages are welcome! Our ESL guests are encouraged to attend, so we can help you improve your enunciation (clarity), vocabulary and English conversational skills.
We meet in the church basement. Please enter by the basement doors.
Teens and adults of all ages are welcome and guests are encouraged. Bring your board games as desired. For info, contact: maranathaonlinebiblestudy@protonmail.com
Life Renewal 2024-2025, every Thursday evening 7 – 9 PM , location in Langley
Do you want to grow spiritually? Maybe you are discouraged, overwhelmed, tired, struggling with a besetting sin, or just feeling like something is missing in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Otherwise, you may be a skeptic or inquirer who is wondering what it actually looks like to follow him. Or you have been serving as a pastor, elder or deacon, and long for spiritual refreshment, personal growth and retooling, as you seek to serve Christ and walk alongside others in the best possible way.
Life Renewal is a ministry where you can truly experience life-changing growth, with the help of personal accountability, and the freedom for which Jesus sets you free!
If you are curious about Life Renewal but not sure if it is for you, the first three meetings require no commitment for the rest of the year. If you think someone you know would be blessed by Life Renewal please invite them to give it a try.
For information on the program and details about Life Renewal in your area and to register, visit liferenewal.ca. New sessions begin every September.

Experience the love of Christ through the Bible book of Philippians.
Discipleship Explored is an eight-session course for Christians looking to grow in their love for Jesus and to understand what it means to follow Christ today.
You’re invited!
Join us every second Friday starting September 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church, 12300 92 Ave, Surrey
Please enter through the back doors (downstairs).
For more info: Maranatha.homemission@gmail.com