Mission Brazil
The Mission Board was established in 1970 with the mandate to operate the foreign mission program in Brazil on behalf of the original sending church, the Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church. In 2013, Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church took over the role of sending church. Currently, Aldergrove and the supporting churches throughout Western Canada and the Western United States work to assists the IRB federation in evangelism and mission work. The Mission Board supports two missionaries who are actively working in the northeastern part of Brazil, centered in Recife, Brazil.
Mission Aid Brazil
Mission Aid Brazil aims to provide Christian relief and development aid to needy people in Brazil, focusing especially on those within the household of faith, to support the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and in coordination with the Mission Board Maranatha, the local Brazilian Reformed Churches and the Canadian Reformed missionaries in Brazil.
Recognizing that Brazil is a land of diverse circumstances and opportunities, Mission Aid seeks to work with the Brazilians in supporting the spread of the gospel in practical ways so that the kingdom of God is built up in a unified way. Mission Aid focuses its aid especially on education as the key to helping Brazilians help each other. The goal is to help the family of faith in Brazil to mature toward self-sufficiency so that as a federation they may be able to provide for their own members. Mission Aid receives financial support through donations given through the deacons and by individuals, usually within the Canadian Reformed Church and sets our budget to work within the funds received.
Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund
The Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund is a voluntary charitable organization based in the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches. Its purpose is to give Christian charity to every area of the world that is in need of such. We do this because Scripture teaches us to show generosity, charity, mercy and kindness to the poor, and in this way to reflect our thankfulness for the great salvation we have received in Jesus Christ.
Manoah Manor
Manoah Manor is a not-for-profit facility, owned and operated by the Canadian Reformed Senior Citizens Home Society. It is a residence for men and women in their senior years. The home serves the Dutch, Christian community, in a setting where residents receive support from caring, qualified staff, from each other, family, and fellow church members. Your donations to Manoah Manor will help keep it affordable for anyone in our community who needs the care this home offers. May the Elderly at Manoah Manor feel the support of the communion of saints with our visits, prayers and financial support so they may truly enjoy their sunset years among us in this Christian home.
Middle East Reformed Fellowship
The Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) is a Reformed Christian organization giving support to Christians living in the Middle East and Africa who are reaching out to their Muslim neighbours with the Gospel. MERF uses Radio broadcasts, Reformed literature translated in the Arabic language as well as a training centre in Cyprus for pastors, evangelists, and elders. At this centre they are instructed by Reformed ministers from around the world. MERF also assists Christians who need financial aid.
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) operates and maintains aircrafts used to assist in mission work throughout the world. Many areas that are almost impossible to reach have been made accessible thanks to the services of MAF, thus allowing mission workers and relief workers to reach the unreachable. MAF’s mission is to exist to demonstrate God’s love through aviation, communication, and logistics to meet spiritual and physical needs. MAF has also been providing flights for relief agencies working in Africa to assist those suffering from the effects of the famine.
L’Église Réformée du Québec
L’Église Réformée du Québec (ERQ) is a small group of Reformed Churches in Quebec. They are relatively small congregations in a predominantly Roman Catholic province that are reaching out to others with the reformed faith. The Owen Sound Mission Board maintains contact with the ERQ. Please consider financially supporting the work of the ERQ and prayerfully be thankful for God’s blessings in Quebec.